Intel Visual Fortran Download

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Free Intel Visual Fortran for students! Intel Fortran is now available under a free, non-commercial license for qualified students on Linux, OS X and WIndows. See for more details. Free Intel Visual Fortran for students! Intel Fortran is now available under a free, non-commercial license for qualified students on Linux, OS X and WIndows. See for more details.

This article contains links to the redistributable installation packages for Intel® C++ and Fortran Compilersfor Windows*.

If you are looking for other versions, please go to Redistributable Libraries by Version.

The redistributable packages are for the end users who use applications that are built with Intel Compilers. Please note that there is one redistributable package for every compiler update. Make sure you download and install the one recommended by the application vendor.

OS requirement for redistributable packages

Please read the Release Notes of the update for supported OS distributions:

Installation instructions

The installation program of the redistributable package will guide you through the installation. You will need to accept the EULA and the installation will install all the libraries to the fixed directory: [Common Files]IntelShared Libraries

The installation creates a new env-var 'INTEL_DEV_REDIST' with the value of above installation directory, and the PATH env-var is updated with [INTEL_DEV_REDIST]redist[ia32|intel64]compiler and [INTEL_DEV_REDIST]redist[ia32|intel64]mpirt (for Fortran packages). The 'redistintel64' directory is added only on 64-bit systems. See below for more information on PATH changes.


Additionally on 64-bit systems there is another subfolder [INTEL_DEV_REDIST]compilerlibmic with redistributable libraries for Intel® Many Integrated Core Architecture(Intel MIC) architecture. And an environment variable MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to this location.

If you wish to install the redistributable package 'silently', so that no output is presented to the user, run the executable with the following options added to the command line like:

System PATH Environment Variable Changes

Installation of the redistributable libraries, in either MSI or MSM form, adds folders containing the installed DLLs to the system PATH environment variable. Microsoft Windows has a limit on the total size of the value of PATH; in versions later than Windows 7 the limit is 4095 characters. This limit applies not only to the system-wide definition, but the length as modified by any batch files or scripts run. If the length is exceeded, the value of PATH can be truncated and this can cause WIndows or some applications to operate improperly.

If you are concerned that PATH may get truncated, you can prevent the redistributable installer from modifying PATH, but then it is your responsibility to make sure that the proper folders are named in PATH when programs built using the Intel compilers are executed.

  • If you are using the MSI installer, use the command line and add the parameter NO_UPDATE_PATH=yes.For example:
    msiexec /I ww_icl_redist_msi_2019.5.281.msi NO_UPDATE_PATH=yes
  • If you are using the MSM merge module, set the update property NO_UPDATE_PATH=yes in the installer properties.

Testing your Installation:

After installation of the Intel redistributable libraries AND the prerequisite Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables or Visual Studio with C++ tools and libraries, try to run your Intel-compiled binary. If there are any issues, please try to determine the missing DLLs or libraries using a tool such as Dependency Walker.

Links to the redistributable packages

Intel® C++ Compiler 2019 for Windows*Intel® Fortran Compiler 2019 for Windows*
Initial Release
• Redistributable library package
Initial Release
• Redistributable library package
Update 1
• Redistributable library package
Update 1
• Redistributable library package
Update 2
• Redistributable library package
Update 2
• Redistributable library package
Update 3
• Redistributable library package
Update 3
• Redistributable library package
Update 4
• Redistributable library package
Update 4
• Redistributable library package
Update 5
• Redistributable library package
Update 5
• Redistributable library package
Compilers Update 6 and 7 were not released to the general publicCompilers Update 6 and 7 were not released to the general public
Compilers Update 8, PSXE 2019 Update 6
• Redistributable library package
Compilers Update 8, PSXE 2019 Update 6
• Redistributable library package


Have Questions?

Please consult the Intel User Forums:

Пакет Intel Visual Fortran Compiler стал полноправным преемником известного в мире программирования на языке Фортран пакета Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF). Технологии оптимизации компании Intel в сочетании с наработками пакета CVF дали великолепный результат, которым теперь могут воспользоваться разработчики приложений для самых разных областей науки и техники. Версия стала вторым компилятором для языка Фортран, который снабжен полноценной поддержкой технологии 64-битной адресации памяти Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel EM64T) и технологии многопоточной обработки OpenMP 2.0, а кроме того способен автоматически распараллеливать процессы.

Компилятор Intel позволяет достичь уменьшить объем и производительность исполняемого кода приложений на 32- и 64-разрядных платформах Intel, включая системы на базе новейших процессоров Pentium M (компонент аппаратной платформы Intel Centrino), Pentium 4 с технологией Hyper-Threading, Xeon, Itanium и Itanium 2.
The Intel® Visual Fortan Compiler for Windows delivers rapid development and winning performance for the full range of Intel® processor-based platforms.

Intel Visual Fortran Download Free

Automatically optimize and parallelize software to take best advantage of multi-core Intel processors, including dual-core mobile, desktop, and enterprise platforms.

Overview of Advanced Optimization Features

Software compiled using Intel Fortran Compilers for Linux benefits from advanced optimization features, a few of which are explained briefly here, with links to more complete descriptions:

* Multithreaded Application Support, including OpenMP and auto-parallelization for simple and efficient software threading.
* Interprocedural Optimization (IPO) dramatically improves performance of small- or medium-sized functions that are used frequently, especially programs that contain calls within loops.
* Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) improves application performance by reducing instruction-cache thrashing, reorganizing code layout, shrinking code size, and reducing branch mispredictions.
* Automatic Vectorizer parallelizes code and aligns data, including loop peeling to generate aligned loads and loop unrolling to match the prefetch of a full cache line.
* High-Level Optimization (HLO) delivers aggressive optimization with loop transformation and pre-fetching.
* Intel® Debugger improves the efficiency of the debugging process on code that has been optimized for Intel® architecture.

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Intel Visual Fortran Download

Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Download


Intel Fortran For Windows


Obtaining The Compiler And Tools

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